Pay Only for What You Use

Trust your APIs and only pay for the requests we analyze.

Pay as You Use

Starts at ...
$34 /400k requests per month
then $1 per 20k requests

For Growing Companies

  • Unlimited team members
  • Opentelemetry Logs and Traces
  • API testing pipelines
  • API swagger/OpenAPI hosting
  • API metrics custom monitors
  • API live traffic AI-based validations
  • Last 14 days data retention
Get Started

Critical Systems

Starts at ...
$500 per month
continuous support for your engineering teams

For Companies building Critical Systems

  • Everything as in "Pay as you use plan"
  • We help you setup observability and realtime monitors
  • We setup uptime checks and multistep api tests for you
  • We will be on call for your projects to catch and analyze issues.
  • Our Senior Engineers will jump on calls with your team to help them resolve issues
  • Capped at 20 hours of support calls/sessions per month
  • Weekly reports about everything that went wrong or might be broken.
Get Started


Contact us
Configure high-volume custom amounts based on demand.

For Large Organizations

  • Custom team members
  • High volume discounts
  • On-prem or on your own infra
  • Custom data retention

Apply for the APItoolkit Startup Program

Enjoy 50 to 100% discount on your first year of subscription through our exclusive Startup Program. Qualification criteria:

  • Building a software based product or service
  • Founded within the last 2 years
  • Less than $100k in funding
  • Have fewer than 5 employees
Apply now

Trusted by 3000+ Developers at Companies Like:

Andela's Logo ThePeer's Logo Grovepay's Logo Same Day Customs' Logo Platnova's Logo Payfonte's Logo

Frequently Asked

Here are some questions many have asked us.

View all FAQs