APItoolkit vs. Sentry
Watch errors, stack traces, real-time API requests, performance statistics, and other metrics that matter using APItoolkit's rich API log explorer and analytics graphs, so you can pinpoint API issues, understand the root cause(s), and fix them in real-time before they affect your users.
APItoolkit | Sentry | |
Pricing |
API Monitoring and Observability | Focused on API-first monitoring, observability, and application performance management (APM). Track and trace incoming and outgoing requests and capture the entire request-response chain of all endpoints on your API. | More focused on monitoring errors, tracing, sessions, and code coverages for applications. |
Error Tracking | Catches unhandled or uncaught errors from your application, but goes a step further to catch silent errors (bugs that occur when a field is missing or changes in an API, which are only visible if you look at the payload). | Catches the errors and stack traces that you report from your application. |
Breaking Changes | Catches breaking changes and lets you know if something breaks or changes (fields, formats, endpoints, etc.) based on the previously tracked information about your endpoints. We are the only one who does this well in the market currently. | |
Anomaly Detection | Detects different user activity (requests) on your API that is significantly different from previously tracked activities using AI, to enable you resolve server issues and potential security threats. | |
Issues and Alerts | Receive alerts when an anomaly is detected or set alerts to track certain requests when they cross certain thresholds and notify relevant members of your team via email or Slack. | |
Outgoing Requests | Capture the entire request-response chain of external APIs your application depends on. | |
Logs Management | Coming soon. | |
API Testing | Create synthetic monitors (tests and assertions) for your API endpoints and execute them at defined periods in real-time against different parameters on your endpoints. | |
OpenAPI Spec Documentation | Auto-generate OpenAPI specifications (swagger docs) from the live payloads on your API endpoints, so every team (e.g., API documentation) that depends on the spec can be alerted when something changes to act quickly. | |
Share Log Request | Generate a public link for any log request and share it with relevant members of your team (e.g., customer support or engineering), so they can easily resolve customer issues with enough context and reproducible information. | |
Client Libraries Support | Currently supports 20+ web frameworks in different programming languages with features like redacting sensitive data, routes whitelist/blacklist, etc. If we don't support your framework, you can email us and we will specially create a new SDK for you. | |
Customer Support | Users on any plan can schedule a call with an engineer on the team, join the community Discord server, write via email, or submit issues on GitHub. Our support team is always ready to help, swiftly! | Users on the free plan can get support via GitHub issues and only the paid users get email support. |
If you’re building an API-driven application on the web, mobile, IoT, etc., and you need to observe the API usage data from live users’ payload for any reason, then you should consider using APItoolkit.
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