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Adonis JS Integration

The APIToolkit integration guide for AdonisJS provides a streamlined process to capture incoming traffic data. It collects request information and efficiently forwards it to the APIToolkit servers.

APIToolkit Adonisjs integration

The Adonisjs SDK integration guide for APIToolkit. It monitors incoming traffic, gathers the requests, and sends the request to the API toolkit servers.


Run the following command to install the package from your projects root:

npm install apitoolkit-adonis

Configure the adonis package using ace

After installing the apitoolkit-adonis SDK, run the following command to configure it in your adonis project

node ace configure apitoolkit-adonis

Register the middleware

Then add @ioc:APIToolkit to your global middlewares list in the start/kernel.ts file

  () => import("@ioc:Adonis/Core/BodyParser"),
  () => import("@ioc:APIToolkit"),


To configure the sdk first create an apitoolkit.ts file in the /conf directory and export a apitoolkitConfig object with the following properties

  • apiKey: required This API key can be generated from your

APIToolkit acount

  • redactHeaders: optional This is an array of request and response headers

that should be omited by APIToolkit

  • redactRequestBody: optional An array of request body keypaths to be

redacted (i.e should not leave your servers)

  • redactResponseBody: optional An array of reponse body keypaths to be


  • serviceVersion: optional A string service version to help you monitor

different versions of your deployments

  • tags: optional An array of tags to be associated with a request
  • debug: optional A boolean to enable debug mode (ie print debug


  • disable: optional A boolean to disable the sdk by setting it to true

To configure, the default export of /conf/apitoolkit should contain all necessary properties eg:

export const apitoolkitConfig = {
  apiKey: "<YOUR_API_KEY>",

After configuring the sdk, all incoming request will now be send to APIToolkit.

Redacting Senstive Fields and Headers

While it's possible to mark a field as redacted from the apitoolkit dashboard, this client also supports redacting at the client side.

Client side redacting means that those fields would never leave your servers at all. So you feel safer that your sensitive data only stays on your servers.

To mark fields that should be redacted, simply add them to the conf/apitoolkit.(js,ts) default export object. Eg:

export const apitoolkitConfig = {
  apiKey: "<YOUR_API_KEY>",
  redactHeaders: ["Content-Type", "Authorization", "Cookies"], // Specified headers will be redacted
  redactRequestBody: ["$.credit-card.cvv", "$.credit-card.name"], // Specified request bodies fields will be redacted
  redactResponseBody: ["$.message.error"], // Specified response body fields will be redacted

It is important to note that while the redactHeaders config field accepts a list of headers(case insensitive), the redactRequestBody and redactResponseBody expect a list of JSONPath strings as arguments.

The choice of JSONPath was selected to allow you have great flexibility in descibing which fields within your responses are sensitive.

Also note that these list of items to be redacted will be aplied to all endpoint requests and responses on your server.

To learn more about jsonpath, please take a look at these resources:

  1. Query expressions for JSONPATH
  2. JSONPATH Cheet Sheet

Using apitoolkit to observe an axios based outgoing request

To monitor outgoing request, you need to first enable asyncLocalStorage in your adonisjs project by setting useAsyncLocalStorage to true in your config/app.ts file.

export const http: ServerConfig = {
  useAsyncLocalStorage: true
  // other configs

After setting asyncLocalStorage to true, simply wrap your axios instance with the APIToolkit observeAxios function.

import Route from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Route'
import { observeAxios } from "apitoolkit-adonis"
import axios from "axios"

const redactHeadersList = ["Content-Type", "Authorization"];
const redactRequestBodyList = ["$.body.user.name"];
const redactResponseBodyList = undefined;

Route.get('/observer', async () => {
    const response = await observeAxios(axios).get(baseURL + "/user_list/active");
    return {hello: "hello world"}

If you're making requests to endpoints which have variable urlPaths, you should include a wildcard url of the path, so that apitoolkit groups the endpoints correctly for you on the dashboard:

import { observeAxios } from "apitoolkit-adonis";
import axios from "axios";

Route.get('/observer', async () => {
    const response = await observeAxios(axios, "/users/{user_id}").get(
      baseURL + "/users/user1234",
    return {hello: "hello world"}

There are other optional arguments you could pass on to the observe Axios function.


import Route from "@ioc:Adonis/Core/Route";
import axios from "axios";
import { observeAxios } from "apitoolkit-adonis";

const redactHeadersList = ["Content-Type", "Authorization"];
const redactRequestBodyList = ["$.body.user.password"];
const redactResponseBodyList = undefined;

Route.get("/observer", async () => {
  const response = await observeAxios(
  ).get(baseURL + "/users/user1234");

Note that you can ignore any of these arguments except the first argument which is the axios instance to observe.

For the other arguments, you can either skip them if at the end, or use undefined as a placeholder.

Reporting errors to APIToolkit

APIToolkit detects a lot of API issues automatically, but it's also valuable to report and track errors.

This helps you associate more details about the backend with a given failing request. If you've used sentry, or rollback, or bugsnag, then you're likely aware of this functionality.

To report errors, you need to first enable asyncLocalStorage in your adonisjs project by setting useAsyncLocalStorage to true in your config/app.ts file.

export const http: ServerConfig = {
  useAsyncLocalStorage: true
  // other configs

You can then start reporting errors by calling the apitoolkit reportError` function.

import Route from "@ioc:Adonis/Core/Route";
import { reportError } from "apitoolkit-adonis";

Route.get("/observer", async () => {
  try {
    throw ("Error occured");
  } catch (error) {
  return { hello: "world" };