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Elixir Phoenix integration

To integrate Elixir Phoenix with your project, begin by incorporating the SDK into your dependencies list within the mix.exs file.

To do this add the "apitoolkit_phoenix" package to your list of dependencies.


Install the SDK by adding apitoolkit_phoenix to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:apitoolkit_phoenix, "~> 0.1.1"}

Run mix deps.get to install the apitoolkit_phoenix dependency.

Import and initialize the ApitoolkitPhoenix Plug in your router.ex file.

defmodule HelloWeb.Router do
  use HelloWeb, :router
  use Plug.ErrorHandler
  import ApitoolkitPhoenix

  pipeline :api do
    plug :accepts, ["json"]
    # Other plugs
    plug ApitoolkitPhoenix,
      config: %{
        api_key: "",

Redacting Sensitive Data

Some information is best kept private. Our Phoenix client supports redaction right on your servers.

This means sensitive data like passwords or credit card numbers never leave your premises.

To mark fields that should be redacted, add them to the APIToolkit config map. Here’s how you do it:

defmodule HelloWeb.Router do
  use HelloWeb, :router
  use Plug.ErrorHandler
  import ApitoolkitPhoenix

  pipeline :api do
    plug :accepts, ["json"]
    # Other plugs
    plug ApitoolkitPhoenix,
      config: %{
        api_key: "",
        redact_headers: ["accept-language", "cookie", "x-csrf-token"] # list of headers to be redacted
        redact_request_body: [".user.password", ".user.credit_card"] # list of json paths to redact from request body
        redact_response_body: [".users[*].email"] # list of json paths to redact from response body


Reporting Errors

If you’ve used Sentry, Bugsnag, or Rollbar, then you’re already familiar with this use case. But you can report an error to APIToolkit.

The difference is that errors are always associated with a parent request, helping you query and associate the errors which occurred while serving a given customer request.

To report errors to APIToolkit, use the report_error method of the ApitoolkitPhoenix module.

To automatically report all uncaught exceptions, call the report_error function passing it the connection and the error in the handle_errors function.

@impl Plug.ErrorHandler
def handle_errors(conn, err) do
  conn = report_error(conn, err)
  json(conn, %{message: "Something went wrong"})

You can also report errors manually by calling report_error from anywhere within a controller, also passing it the connection, the error and __STACKTRACE__.


defmodule HelloWeb.PageController do
  use HelloWeb, :controller
  import ApitoolkitPhoenix

  def home(conn, _params) do
    try do
      raise("Oops, something went wrong")
      err ->
        report_error(conn, err, __STACKTRACE__)

    json(conn, %{message: "Hello, world!"})